LTI 1.3 Library Usage Example

See the Pied Piper LTI 1.3 Library in action. A Grader Module is used as the Tool example.

1) LMS Launches OIDC Login Flow
The OIDC login flow is initiated when a student clicks a Tool link in their course. When the student clicks the link, the LMS sends a GET or POST request to the Tool.

Simulate this by clicking:

2) LTI1.3 Library Validates Login Request
The LTI1.3 Library validates the login request by ensuring the Issuer has registered with the Tool and the login is properly formatted. If so, the LTI1.3 Library sends a Login Response to the LMS's OIDC Authorization endpoint.

Simulate this by clicking:

3) LMS Sends Launch Request

The LMS validates the Login Response, and if valid sends a Launch Request. This flow is all transparent to the student.

Simulate this by clicking:

4) LTI1.3 Library Launches Tool

The LTI1.3 Library authenticates and validates the Launch Request. If a Valid Launch Request, the Tool will be launched.

Simulate this by clicking:

Additionally, the Library supports OAuth 2.0 with JWT. Generate a JSON Web Token by clicking:

Your Token

Press 'Get Token' to generate a token!